Happy New Years Eve, loves! I thought it only fitting to do a little round up of my favorite looks of 2015! Click on any of the photos below for the full details on a look!
It's really true when they say time goes by faster as you get older...but I've picked up some life lessons along the way this year and wanted to share them with you. Head to the end of the post for my insights from this past year living in the city and finishing up college, and plans for post graduate life!
It's really true when they say time goes by faster as you get older...but I've picked up some life lessons along the way this year and wanted to share them with you. Head to the end of the post for my insights from this past year living in the city and finishing up college, and plans for post graduate life!
This past year has been a big one. Finishing up junior year and taking on the last semester of my undergraduate career...it's definitely been tough, but I wouldn't change any moment of it. Recruiting for post-graduate employment was definitely one of the toughest processes I've ever gone through, and when you're doing it in a city like New York, it gets that much more intense. Knowing that you're only one of ten, twenty people competing for one spot can be pretty unnerving. But the best thing you can do is to have faith in yourself. If you're struggling through that interview process now or will be recruiting after the New Year, I wish you all the best and have complete faith that you will end up where you want to be in the end. It might take some time to get there, but never doubt yourself because you have worked hard for the place you're at now and there are many who can't say the same.
Turning 21, I've learned that being in your twenties is not nearly as fun as the media makes it seem. There's a lot of stress and pressure to finish college, graduate, and get a head start on that career. But it's the small moments in between with friends, family, your support group that really get you through it all and makes you motivated to keep on going. I know that I'm in for one hell of a ride in 2016 with post-grad life. I've officially moved back to my hometown and will be commuting into the city for work later. I'm definitely going to miss the city for a while and it'll be a big change not to live there anymore--but I think that this time at home will be good to recollect my thoughts and efforts. It's been amazing, but draining the past 3.5 years so I'm welcome to the change of pace for the time being.
My New Years Resolution: To take on fashion blogging as if it were my full time job.
I can't wait to see what I can do and where I'll go with this passion of mine now that I have the time I've always wanted to dedicate to it. I won't be starting my full time job until late March, so I'll have until then to see what it's like to be a full time blogger.
Taking on the first year of post grad life is daunting, but I'll always keep the life lessons from this past year close to my heart:
1. "Don't let other's opinions drown out your inner voice." -Steve Jobs
2. "I urge you to please notice when you're happy."
3. "One does not fall 'in' or 'out' of love. One grows in love." -Leo Buscaglia
Finally, and most importantly:
4."I do honestly believe that people enter our lives for a reason. That everyone who we meet, who forms an impression has something to teach us. Everything that happens to us is an experience, and because of that it can never be bad. an experience can only be good because it all serves to shape the person that we are, the person that we become."
I wish you all courage to take on the challenges of this coming year and happiness in those shared moments with loved ones. Happy New Year fashionistas,
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